Make space for yourself


Susi teaches two classes weekly at her yoga center in Omaha, YOGA NOW

Join her via zoom from anywhere!

Power Down Yoga

Tuesday Evenings 5:30pm CSTd

The intention of this class is to “power down” the nervous system, using practices that begin to downregulate the sympathetic nervous system (flight or fight) and upregulate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

It is an invitation to move from thinking and doing to feeling and being.

An invitation to do less, to listen to your body and give your mind, body and heart some much needed rest.

Yoga for the Seasons

Saturday Mornings 9:30am CST

This class incorporates the inspirations of Ayurveda and Yoga together.

Ayurveda suggests that the elements that exist outside of us also exist within us in the form of air, ether, fire, earth, water.

The intention of this class is to use different yoga practices to bring balance to these different elements as the seasons change, with added support will be given for your individual constitution.

If you are in the Omaha area please join in-person!

6105 Maple St

Omaha, NE 68106